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JR 283 series Ocean Arrow
Basic 6 Cars + 3 Cars Add-on
9 Cars Set
※Equipped with a new slotless motor


The 283 series is a pendulum-type limited express train of JR West that appeared in 1996 as the "Super Kuroshio (Ocean Arrow)" and connects Shin-Osaka with Shingu and Shirahama in Wakayama Prefecture. Equipped with a controlled natural pendulum that is more stable than the conventional 381 series, it can run on the Kisei Main Line, which has many short curved sections, at a speed of +35km/h, improving comfort and reducing travel time.
There are two types of leading cars: a non-penetrating type and a penetrating type.The non-penetrating type is a streamlined panoramic green car with a sense of speed similar to a dolphin, and features a large window at the front that allows you to enjoy the front view from inside the car. is.

Commercialized the with a pendulum mechanism. It is operated in 6-car or 9-car formations, and if you purchase all 3 sets, you will have all the existing cars (6-car A formation x 2, B and C formations for addition).

◆ Equipped with a newly developed slotless motor as standard
By adopting a newly developed slotless motor, it demonstrates smoother and quieter running performance than existing motors.

Kato 10-1840+1841 JR 283 series Ocean Arrow 9 Cars Set (6+3) ※Equipped with a ne

SKU: 10-1840+10-1841

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